Why do we always believe in what we hear spoken rather then what is presented in front of us. I am not talking about lies, lies can be hide in all shapes and forms, but rather hidden messages, real intent that is often buried bellow the words we use. Think about all we know of communication, 60 percent of what we say is done in body language, another 30 in tone, so only 10 is in the words we use. I have come to the conclusion that all too often that no matter how great or verse, or diction or vocabulary is that unless you have truth and belief in what you say that words will fail you. I look at my present situation in which I am surrounded by people who cannot speak English yet somehow I have managed to not starve, get out get things done by interacting, by my intentions rather than just my words, sure language is a great tool to help express ourselves, but imagine to those who never had the vast array of words we know can draw from, trying to explain jubilation or misery, it was in their expression the manner in which they told their story. Think of the great playwrights those who have truly moved people, think of how often they used words that we read and how often then are shown and read in different contexts. Yet think of those same plays, when presented by a performer who truly believes in what he is doing, the mood and cause of the play take on a much more powerful persona. Why is it that we have so many words just to explain the same expression or gesture in so many ways, is it because they each mean a different form of it…if so why are we so keen to interchange, nor do we rely on tone as the Chinese do, we have surrounded ourselves with words to hide what we mean beneath them. Our words affect someone without directly pointing them where we wish, others perhaps we do without just a lack of faith in what we are saying. Yes it does seem quite odd that I would use a forum in which I can only write my words down, rather than speak, where it could be easily seen that I have some hidden motive…or perhaps I lack the irony of this, and this will allow me to create the paradox I see around me.
I offer a challenge take 5 words you think best describe you as a person and use them as a mean of describing yourself and your feelings…so think carefully on the words you choose. Secondly take the 5 words you use most often and remove them, and see how your meanings change, how your messages and your persona changes as they are cast out of your everyday lingo. Lastly as rethink your use of words, refer back to the age old advice of KISS (Keep it simple stupid) give no hidden meanings or double meanings in your words describe yourself wholly and without means to confuse as to what or who you are. Watch as to how those around you react.
I have taken this challenge myself while here, used simple words to describe myself removed words that often have left people pondering their double meanings, and relied on what I mean to get across rather than the words themselves…it’s an interesting result, even more so coupled with the language barrier. Perhaps the most astonishing thing is that despite the barrier, despite the removal of some of my most common phrases or antic dotes, people understand me, my moods and temperaments and in turn I have seen things I hid below my words emerge and manifest them self into my character.
Yes words fail us every day, I know this; be conscious of this, but then again be aware that sometimes they are all we have.
The winds whisper hidden thoughts...be calm and listen to them with ernest.
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