Friday, February 1, 2008

The fine art of Conversation

We all know how to speak, we all know the power of words, and how they can influence those around us, yet in my adventures here and I guess in some way my I-Week with Sigma Chi, how our own conversation shapes us. I come to this line of thinking as in the past 7 hours while I have talked to someone online, I have not uttered a single word since my last student left the classroom. Now seven hours does not seem all that long, but let’s then take into account that I did not talk to anyone for at least 24 hours before that single hour of instruction…and then multiply that by numerous amounts of days where this really is what my routine turns out to be. I am slowly becoming a mute, or forgetting to speak…and those times I do speak, are often in a foreign language and no more than a phrase or at most a few lines. It leaves one a lot of time to wander through his thoughts, create his own conversations, ponders a lot of mundane and small things and turns them into large and important ones. While most common sense would suggest turning small issues into large ones doesn’t help your cause…yet sometimes like now, I think looking at the smaller issues is much more important than those that seem grand and noble to be thinking of. I find myself ponder the concept of self time, not spending time wisely to get things accomplished, but rather, using time to better yourself, yeah sure I could be doing so much with the free time I do have, but I spend it thinking or reading, trying to think of what I indo fact miss the most about being away from all that is familiar. As much as I pride myself on listening and trying to understand things and being careful with my words, and being a powerful orator, I do in fact miss conversations, not just those that move you, but the simple exchange of everyday of pleasantries and the company that it provides you. I know that I am not a man who can be alone and be completely comfortable. My solitude is important to me, I enjoy being able to escape into myself, but that can be done in the quiet of a room, but people I will always need people to be around me to converse with, share ideas, anything, the act of conversation is very important to me.

I know some people have been fairly regular in talking with me over MSN and for that I am truly thankful, but that can never replace seeing someone and going through the act of conversation.

Go figure that as I write this latest entry some co workers and I get into a conversation on the major languages of the worlds, where we see it going, how the use of one’s voice can imply so much more than ever seen. Not only that but body language, tone, speed, everything adds up more and more to how we communicate….think of the act of touch… how much that can tell you about someone the show of expression, any number of things. I am trying to see more and more about who I am, and I know I am a people person…not that I need people around me, otherwise I would have gone nutters already. Yet, I see more know…the way I interact with people is important to me, I take a little from them and add it to my own persona, and I try to give as much as possible…maybe that makes no sense but then again who cares, for all know no one does read this, again…conversation can never be one sided…two sides must give…otherwise…it’s just this my own monologue.

The art of conversation, everyone has their own stroke…I’m learning how mine works…what about you?

Let your words always glide gently on the winds which carrier them.

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