So I have no started this Blog, with no real thought into what will go into it, because if you know me, I am a scatter brain when it comes to the written or spoken word, I rant, and go on far tangents all the time. So as for what can be expected in here I'm not quite sure. Yet, I will do what I can to update as often as possible and give you an insight into what I'm thinking, feeling and experiencing in my travels or while I await the next great adventure.
So I just turned 23 right, no biggie, birthday's are becoming more like reasons to get together and recall stories from years gone by and remember what it was like to be that age again. No, don't think I'm wishing I was younger or any of that bollocks but rather, it's weird that the Idea of getting pissed up, which I did do quite nicely this year and cakes and all that just don't have that same allure to, maybe because I'm more mature or something like that, but I really think it has to do with the realization that life goes on, those whom I used to see everyday i may not have seen for weeks or even months at a time, and while its a nice a pretty thought to imagine everyone will be around when I get back from my travels, well it's a foolish notion. Other people need to run wild as well. So I'm more now nervous about the changes that I'll find when I get's not that I won't be without communication for the course of my travels but you are never really aware of what has changed until you can see it with your own eyes...and it may just be, that places such as Orillia and Waterloo, where I could always find a good friend, no longer hold that same appeal, because those whom I associate the cities with have moved on, and thus my network of friends while immense, are scattered.
So as i asses what my new directions are for this my 24th year on earth (I was born before I turned one after all) i cannot help to see that things never remain, but we can always look back and get lost in places we once were, and that as long as those places still are found in us, well surely everyone can find their way round is on me.
May fair winds guide you
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